суббота, 21 ноября 2015 г.



Both components of the “heat” - both the particles and the ethereal waves – are distributed in the substance in different ways. In addition, in the materials of different composition each of the components of the “heat” is distributed differently.
Let's look at the beginning how the first component of the heat – ethereal waves - is distributed in the substance. First, let’s consider the distribution of the ethereal waves not in any particular substance, but in material in general – i.e. in any substance.
The substance can consist either of free elementary particles, or of chemical elements. We investigate the distribution of the “heat” in a material composed of chemical elements.
Chemical elements contain the elementary particles of varying quality - both with Fields of Attraction and with Fields of Repulsion. The predominance in the element of particles with Fields of Attraction or Repulsion determines the quality of the chemical element – i.e. the presence in it of Field of Attraction or Repulsion. Presence in the substance of chemical elements with Fields of Attraction is the cause of bond of elements with each other.
Stream of ether moving in any direction is an “ethereal wave”. We can estimate the size of ethereal waves by measuring the area of its cross section perpendicular to the direction of distribution.
The speed of movement of ether of an ethereal wave multiplied by the area of its cross section gives information on the exact amount of ether flowing per unit time through an area of space, corresponding to the cross-sectional area of the ethereal wave.
Let’s suppose the ethereal wave passes through the substance, and the cross-sectional area of the wave is comparable to the size of one chemical element. If a chemical element in the space would be one – i.e. would not be surrounded by other elements and associated with them - it would have been ideal conditions. In this case at admission to such element of ethereal waves, ether filling element would be pushed away, and the element shifted with ether.
However, as already mentioned, it is the ideal conditions. But in reality the elements are neighboring to each other. And if the element through which the ethereal wave passes or its surrounding elements have the Fields of Attraction, there is a bond between the elements.
Forces of Attraction in relation to surrounding elements with Fields of Attraction act in the particles of each element. However, the magnitude of these forces is less than the centripetal (total) force of attraction acting in relation to the center of its own chemical element. This is explained by the fact that the distance to the center of their own element for the particles is always less than to the centers of surrounding elements. And the smaller is the distance, the greater is the Force of Attraction.
Let’s assume an ethereal wave comes to the chemical element associated with other elements in a substance, and the cross section of the wave is comparable with the size of this element. The ether of this ethereal wave:
1) First, is absorbed by the particles of any quality in the composition of this element itself;
2) Second, is diffused in the surrounding substance – i.e. comes to the surrounding elements with Fields of Attraction (if these elements have the Fields of Attraction).
If the element is surrounded by elements with Fields of Attraction this means that to them in the particles of the element attraction forces act, and its existence is determined by a constantly existing deficiency of ether in the elements with Fields of Attraction. The presence in the element of the Forces of Attraction means that any incoming thereto redundant ether will flow in the direction of these Forces of Attraction – i.e. to chemical elements with Fields of Attraction, where there is a deficiency.
Thus, when ethereal wave passes through the substance, there occurs the process of transformation (i.e., temperature increase). At first turn the ether of the ethereal wave is absorbed by the particles of the element to which this wave came. The degree of transformation depends on the velocity of the ether waves. The bigger it is, the greater is the degree of transformation. As always in transformation in the particles with the Fields of Attraction their magnitude decreases (trying to turn into the Field of Repulsion), and in the particles with Fields Repulsion their magnitude increases. Accordingly there is an increasing of Forces of Attraction caused by elements with Fields of Attraction in all the surrounding elements. Herewith, the mechanism of reduction of the Force of Attraction of a chemical element is similar to the mechanism of reduction of the Force of Attraction in a separately taken particle interacting with a particle with the Field of Attraction, at condition that in both particles there occurs the process of transformation.
Ether of ethereal wave that comes to an element causes in its particles a Force of Repulsion. But if the magnitude of this force is less than the sum of the Forces of Attraction linking element with other elements, and holding it in substance, so the entire excess of ether coming to the element will be absorbed by the element itself, as well as will come to the neighboring elements with Field of Attraction.
Another name for the Force of Repulsion caused by ethereal waves in the chemical elements – is the Force of Action.
Thus, the ether of ethereal wave, which at the ideal conditions (in the empty space) could force to move in the same direction ether filling element and with it the element itself, in reality dissipates absorbed by the element and moving towards the Forces of Attraction.
Passage of ethereal wave through particles of element leads to their transformation. In particles with Fields of Repulsion their magnitude increases, and Fields of Repulsion arises in some number of particles with Fields of Attraction Repulsion (all depends on the degree of transformation). Ether of Fields of Repulsion, growing in the process of transformation of particles, as well as dispersing of ether of ethereal waves, creates between this chemical element and the surrounding elements an “ethereal pillows”. It is thanks to the “ethereal pillows” as well as to reducing of the rate of formation of “ethereal pits” by particles with the Fields of Attractions, the magnitude of Attractive Forces binding elements decreases.
Action of ethereal wave can have a different length of time. If the impact is long, and in the course of it in the element Forces of Attraction acting in relation to surrounding elements with Fields of Attraction decreased, and the sum of Forces of Attraction has become less than the Force of Repulsion caused by the ethereal wave, element can begin to move in the same direction in which the ethereal wave is moving. However, nearly always the substance consists of a plurality of elements. Therefore, the movement of the element forward other elements prevents whose Forces of Attraction do not still enough decreased (by transformation) compared with surrounding elements.
Thus, the ethereal wave passes through the material, through layers of elements, starting from the surface layers.
If a substance, through which the ethereal wave passes, is surrounded by material of other quality (eg, dense body is in the air environment), and if the cross-sectional area of the ethereal wave correlated with cross-sectional area of substance (along the direction of action of the ethereal wave), then with decreasing of the Forces of Attraction in the surface elements, they begin to break away from the substance and to move into the surroundings. If the surrounding substance is gas, the process of separation of the elements from the matter is called evaporation. The process of separation is due to the appearance in the elements during the transformation of Fields of Repulsion, whose ether creates “ethereal cushion” to allow elements to move away from the substance.
As soon as the surface elements are transformed (are heated) and come off, the same process of transformation occurs in the deeper layers of the substance.
In any case, increase of Fields of Repulsion and decrease of Fields of Attraction leads to an acceleration of emission of ether by particles with Fields of Repulsion and to deceleration of its absorption by particles with Fields of Attraction. I.e. thickness of “ethereal pillows” produced by particles with Repulsion Fields and directed towards the particles with Fields of Attraction increases. This process occurs as increase of the distance between the particles in the chemical elements, and in even greater extent - as increase of the distance between elements themselves composed of substance.
Different substances during heating behave differently. But the more we look at this topic after analyze the distribution in the substance of the second component of the heat - of elementary particles emitted by the heated chemical elements.

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