воскресенье, 19 марта 2017 г.



Surely you noticed that things for a long time exposed to intense solar radiation “lose color”. “Loss of color” means that the tone of things’ color becomes lighter.  Used in everyday life bleaching agents have exactly the same effect on the color of things. What happens in this case with the chemical elements of the bleached substances?
If we explain what is happening in a nutshell, then everything is very simple - excess amount of free elementary particles are accumulated on the surface of chemical elements. And among these elementary particles there are many visible photons of all colors.    
Let’s, at first, consider the mechanism of “loss of color” on the example of the action of solar radiation.
The solar particles emitted by the Sun moving by inertia reach the planets. They continue their movement. Herewith they are attracted by elements of the atmosphere, through which they move. Chemical elements of the atmosphere accumulate free particles on their surface. Further these particles descend towards the center of the planet, moving from element to element on their surface.
Thus, elements of all substances on the surface accumulate free particles in two ways. Either those particles are accumulated that inertially move in the composition of a light ray and directly collide with these elements. Or those particles are accumulated, which move from element to element, flowing down.  
So, when the elements of some substance accumulate particles, directly meeting their flow, experiencing a collision with them, then they accumulate much more particles (including visible photons), if when they accumulate particles moving from element to element.
That's why, when substances are exposed to direct sunlight (in a hot climate and in the hot season), they accumulate on their surface excessive amount of free particles and therefore of visible photons of all colors. As result, there occurs color clarification of this substance. The mechanism of color clarification is described in detail in the article “Light and dark color tones (when the intensity of the falling light changes)”.
 Bleaching agents work similarly. Chlorine-containing compounds and hydrogen peroxide are the most used among them. The active component in the composition of chlorine bleaches is chlorine. In the composition of hydrogen peroxide the element that responsible for bleaching is oxygen.  
As known, oxygen percentage in the composition of peroxide is higher compared to water. The elements and chlorine, and oxygen are very active oxidants. The fact that they are located in the upper periods indicates to us that they have in the structure of their nuclei less particles with gravity fields, than elements of the lower lying periods. And that fact that and oxygen and chlorine under normal conditions are in a gaseous state indicates to us that in their composition there are many particles with repulsion fields.
The characteristic feature of both types of elements is the presence in the composition of their surface layers a significant number of particles of two colors – blue and red.
As we have already learned, not only visible photons can belong to one of the three primary colors. Particles of any level of any Plan have in their composition the particles of the three primary colors (blue, yellow and red).
So, the particles of red and blue colors in the surface layers of elements – this is primarily IR and radio photons. Exactly the particles of blue color are responsible for the existence of areas in the elements on their surface, where the Field Attraction outwardly manifests, herewith sufficient in magnitude for accumulation there of sufficient number of free particles.
Elements of chlorine have the higher total percentage of such zones than elements of oxygen. That is why any chlorine element always accumulates more free particles than any element of oxygen. Due to the fact that the magnitude of Attractive Fields and in oxygen, and in chlorine is incomparably more than in any metal element, they very good give away the accumulated particles to the elements with more pronounced metallic properties. This is precisely their "oxidizing ability". Elements of chlorine are always stronger oxidants, than oxygen elements. Among the accumulated free particles there are many visible photons of all colors. When oxygen or chlorine in the composition of bleachers contacts with elements of bleached substances, they give them their accumulated particles.
As a result, an excessive number of visible photons appears on the surface of the elements in the composition of the bleached substances.  This leads to the lightening the color tones of substance. The mechanism of lightening is absolutely the same as in the case of action of sunlight.


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